
Why Home Daycare?


In my biased opinion, there are some major advantages to my childcare home in comparison to larger daycare centers:

Children benefit from the curriculum programs of a preschool without the high numbers of children typically found in centers.

Since we are a small group, we can exercise flexibility in scheduling. The clock is not the primary dictator of our activities or the length thereof.

It has been determined that consistency of caregivers is in the best interests of young children. In this setting, the children always know their caregiver well. Likewise, I grow to become very familiar with each child, picking up on and understanding their individual needs.

A smaller group size is conducive to better meeting the unique needs of each child, and to adjusting the program to best serve them. The more natural home environment is enriching yet not institutional.

Much attention is paid to ensure high quality, nutritious meals. Only fresh and frozen produce is served. Snacks are healthy, not empty calories.

Regularly attending child development conferences, workshops and in-service training allow me to continuously build on my understanding and skills of working with children.

The physical space used only for the children's learning environment is over 1000 square feet and it is continuously maintained for safety and sanitized as a matter of course. Carpeting is professionally cleaned bi-annually.

To keep the program interesting and the children enthusiastic, new equipment and supplies are purchased regularly.